
June 17, 2015

Silver Hair Makeover (All hail Butchers Salon!)

butchers salon
You know that first time you ate a Reese’s Cup and felt all “WHY IN GOD’S NAME HAVE I BEEN WASTING MY TIME WITH OTHER CHOCOLATE?!”? That’s kind of how I feel about Butchers Salon.

After meeting the lovely Jason Cocking at BeautyCon London, we bonded over all things hair and all the things I hate about my own. He then invited me to his resident East London salon he works at – Butchers – under the promise of dream hair.

How could I refuse?

When our appointment arrived, I was nervous. I had sent Jason a few references to platinum and silver hair colours that I liked but had nothing to comfort my bleach-heavy decision anxiesties but his relentless confidence.

Obviously, I wasn’t disappointed. I worked my way through the appointment – only having to pause for in-sink toning – and walked out a few hours later with my dream hair. Dream hair is such good condition that I didn’t even need a haircut.

Having lived with platinum/silver hair for just over a week, I believe the constant comparisons to Daenerys Targaryen was worth the hair makeover alone. The grey/silver tone is going strong (the bedhead photo at the bottom shows this best), my pale skin somehow looks glowier than ever before, and my hair is just as strong as it was when I went in.

If you’re looking for creative colour, Butchers is THE ONE.

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butchers salon
butchers salon
butchers salon

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