The second I walked through the glass-cased shell of One New Change, I knew I had left it too late. While I was well aware of its status as the only shopping centre of its size in the City of London, I had no idea how beautiful it was from the inside (and, as you can see from the photos, the very tippy-top).
The day before London Fashion Week SS15 reared its chaotic head, I scheduled a few hours out of my 60+ hour week for a few treats and trials.
First stop? Strip for some ‘fun’ (ahem) with their famous So Berry lycon wax. While waxing may not be every woman’s idea of a pampering sesh, Strip’s sensitive vanilla extract-packed wax is a treat for any Brazilian-having babe. The staff – who are extremely welcoming and professional – are also second to none.
For a more traditional treat, I then pranced around the corner to Hershesons and Dermalogica for a luxurious blow dry and facial. That special duo of pampering that turns your brain into a happy mush of rainbows and sunshine.
There is something hyper magical about One New Change.
Less than two hours after walking into One New Change, I left my final ‘appointment’ feeling as though I had exited a Pretty-O-Meter. My sensitive skin – which flares fire-red when I am under any sort of stress – was calm, hydrated, and picture-perfect enough to take me straight through to a makeup-free champagne lunch at Searcy’s.
I kid you not.
While an indulgent lunch of caviar, champagne, salad and sandwiches would call for a vampy red lip (at the very least), the results of my morning store visits left me feeling hyper-confident and happy.
After soaking it all in (bubbles included), The Manfriend and I decided to work off our lunch by strolling around the eager city lunch-breakers, super-coiffed shoppers, and ended the excursion with a rooftop wander through the fog as the city buzzed below.
One New Change is home to 60+ high-street stores & restaurants and is open 7 days week, making it the perfect place to socialise, and pick up your fashion and beauty must-haves.