Lady Gaga is a style icon, and sometimes in the worst ways. We’ve all seen the overweight party girls trying to pull off her revealing bodysuits and lifelong flat-wearers delving into the world of mega-platforms under her fashionable influence. It’s never a pretty sight. Sight being the key word of her latest fashion accusations.
FDA Spokeswoman Karen Riley is accusing Gaga of starting the trend of circle contacts (featured in the music video for Bad Romance). The risk run from these lenses is legitimate as poor-fitting lenses can cut off oxygen to your eyes and cause blindness in the most extreme cases.
Gaga is certainly not to blame, however. The asian community in particular have been obsessed with these contacts for years as you can see on websites like Lens Circle. If you’re wanting a long-term version, I would recommend speaking to an optician. A $20-30 dollar deal will never be worth permanent damage to your eyes.