
August 5, 2014

Eye Surgery Hiatus

eye surgery
In the land of Lela, crazy things have popped up unexpectedly.

Like, bleeding in my eyes.

Long story short, a blend of stress and blood issues (yay, anemia and diabetes!) has meant I woke up a few mornings back with no vision in my right eye. After being checked out at the hospital for a few hours, I have undergone the first session of two eye surgeries that will hopefully end next Monday and fix the damaged blood vessels.

No sympathies needed, I just want to keep everyone up to date as the blogs will be few and far between in this time period – the sight I do have is very blurry from the surgeries.

(After which you will have some AMAZING updates as my ‘friend’/sister is leaving America for the first time and visiting me for two weeks of adventures!)

For now, sunglasses and besos…


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