
February 7, 2015

Skiing with Olympians (A casual evening at Snozone)

snozone ski lesson
On Friday evening, Snozone Castleford (you’ll know it for being the UK’s most renowned indoor ski centre) held a Sochi-inspired freestyle competition and invited a few Olympians along to judge the contestants.

As good a time as any to get my first ski lesson in ten years in, right?

After booting up, buckling my helmet and remembering how cumbersome skis feel once clicked in, I embarked on a three hour crash course that took me from ‘baby slope’ to the same slope Olympians Ben Kilner and Katie Summerhayes were judging.

If that’s not the sign of a stellar ski lesson, I don’t know what is.

Zipping through snow plows and stop-and-jumps, I eventually graduated the lesson with a promotion from Level One to Five and a desperate desire to return to the mountains.

For now, though, Snozone and a plethora of blurred and swishtastic shots will do. Even without the Olympians.

snozone ski lesson
snozone ski lesson
snozone ski lesson
snozone ski lesson
snozone ski lesson
snozone ski lesson

Posted in Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, TravelTaggs: