Barley cotton canvas overcoat, £2,495; grey cotton utility shirt, £225; black wool slim fit trousers, £495; black leather boots, £495, all by Burberry Prorsum
It seems our friends at Esquire UK have lost their minds, or are relishing in some sort of genius. For a Toy Story 3-themed editorial, they have hired Ken to flash some of the best Burberry, Paul Smith, Gucci and Prada. It seems that even ex-flame Barbie joined in for a shot!
Black wool jacket with satin shawl collar, £609; blue cotton shirt with embroidery, £179; purple wool trousers, £179; black leather lace-ups, £225, all by Paul Smith.Cream suede trench coat, £1,430; grey cashmere turtle-neck sweater, £450; white wool slim trousers, £460; dark brown calf leather boots, £620; dark brown suede belt, £175; tortoiseshell aviators, £150; beige diamante large duffle bag with brown crocodile trim, £9,070, all by Gucci.Ken: Camel wool jacket, £1,125; beige wool sweater, £280; blue cotton shirt, £255; black wool trousers, £360; brown leather shoes, £470, all by Prada. Barbie: Pink gabardine camouflage coat, £1,515; brown leather heels, £450, all by Prada